Pastor William Wagner & Mrs. Terri Wagner

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my wife and myself to you. My wife, Terri, and I are both from the great mountain state of West Virginia. We were high school sweethearts that decided it was God’s will for us to spend our lives together, so we married in 1975. I was serving in the United States Air Force when we first married so I whisked her away to Germany for the first three years of our adventure. When I got out of the Air force I entered Pensacola Bible Institute where I received my BA in Divinity. My wife and I recently celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary. Terri and I have three adult children, seven grandchildren, and 27 foster children at this time. Our oldest child is William who is married to our wonderful daughter-in-law, Penny. They live in southern Ohio and have two children. Our daughter, Amy and her husband, Jarrod have three children and also live in southern Ohio. Our youngest son, Brian, and his sweet wife, Kaci, also have two children. He has retired from the US Army and is trying to determine where to settle down with his wife and children.
God has allowed us the privilege of serving Him in several capacities over the years. I have been the Pastor of five churches, and have run a weekly radio broadcast nationally and internationally. I have been given the opportunity to build, staff, and teach in a Christian school while ministering in the national prison in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
God has used me in the capacity of sports director, teacher, and coach for a Christian school in Indiana, manager of a youth camp in WV, and caregiver for a residential care facility for abused and neglected children. The Lord also has allowed us to personally care for 27 foster children over the years of ministry. While in the Turks and Caicos islands I built a school, a church, worked as counselor in both the prison and hospital of the island of Grand Turk. I have also had the privilege to serve in the capacity of an evangelist, holding revivals, teen events, tent meetings, and camp meetings. Currently I am the Pastor, teacher, counselor of our church along with being the Principal of our Christian school. In addition to the many other blessings from the Lord, Dr. Myron Guiler at Marietta Bible College, in Marietta, Ohio, honored me with an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity.
I believe and teach that the King James Bible is the preserved word of God without error because original inspiration without continuing preservation is pointless. I am fundamental in Baptist doctrine, including being pre-millennial, and pre-tribulation. I am not Calvinistic in regard to unconditional election. I believe that “whosoever will”, “whosoever shall call”, and “God is not willing that any should perish”, eliminates the argument for predestination being a part of the salvation equation.
Visiting any church for the first time can be an unsettling experience and I would like to put you at ease. Your first visit to Pleasant Heights Baptist Church will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching, spirited preaching, friendly people, and a place where you will feel welcome and “at home”! So please come and worship with us at Pleasant Height Baptist Church. We would be thrilled to have you.