Our adult ministries include Sunday School and Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening worship services. We also have frequent fellowships and outings. We have Valentine’s Day dinner and a Christmas banquet each year.
For our ladies, we have our annual Mother’s Day Fellowship. Our ladies also attend women’s conferences and have luncheons and fellowships together. The second Tuesday evening of the month is Tea at Terri’s, a ladies’ Bible study.
Our men enjoy fellowships as well. They enjoy monthly Prayer Breakfasts, workdays at the church, and a Father-Son activity for Father’s Day.
We also occasionally go together to revivals or special meetings at other churches of like faith and doctrine or invite other churches to join us for such meetings at our facility.
We know that time is short before the Lord comes back for His people and we are praying that we will be able to win as many souls as possible for the kingdom and be faithful in training soldiers for the service of the Lord.
You are invited to join us at Pleasant Heights Baptist Church. We will be delighted to have you. You will only be our guest once, then you’ll be our friend.